Through the Eyes of the Patient and the Health Care Professional

Allied health professionals are confronted with different death and dying practices. An effective allied health professional recognizes the importance of understanding different cultural practices, and learns how to evaluate the death, dying, and spiritual beliefs and practices across the cultures.

Identify your role as a health care professional (RN) in supporting Abby’s dying rituals, and in creating strategies for displaying respect while still providing quality care. Identify communication strategies necessary in caring for your select person. Integrate your strategies as you develop a care plan describing how you would approach the situation and care for the patient. 750 words

Include the following in your care plan:

1.    Communication: family and patient
2.    Treatment options that align with the specific culture
3.    Education: family and patient
4.    Family roles in the process
5.    Spiritual beliefs
6.    Barriers
7.    Cultural responses
8.    Any additional components that you feel would need to be addressed (from your perspective as a health care professional)

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide. An abstract is not required.