

Due date: by 11:59 PM ET at the end of Week 6. 

For this project, you will use the  class data posted in the Shared Data Discussion containing the Week 5  Water Footprint Data Tables. 

This data project will address Course Outcomes 1 and 3:

  • interpret quantitative information to determine effects of human  activity on the environment and to evaluate environmentally sustainable  decisions
  • effectively communicate and use scientific evidence regarding human  impact on the environment with emphasize on sustainability and global  citizenship


This data project will be composed of two parts. 

In Part I of your report, you will compile class data from the Week 5  Eco Moment on your water usage (found in the Shared Data Discussion,  under Water Calculator Data) and summarize/analyze it with Excel (or  similar spreadsheet program).  Discuss what trend(s) you see in the  class data that relate to course concepts.  Think about the best way to  present your findings–tabular or graphical form?  There is no “right  answer” here, as long as you pick a format that highlights your main  findings and support your table(s) and/or graph(s) with clear text that  interpret the results.  Do any of the findings surprise you?  Why or why  not? 

In Part II, you will research and discuss possible solutions to the  environmental problems reflected in the class data. Here, you will want  to support your argument with reliable, scientific resources (e.g.,  peer-reviewed scientific papers, white papers, and government websites).  Be sure to end with a strong concluding paragraph that summarizes the  main data trend(s), along with the merits and relevance of your chosen  solution(s).


The page limit for your written report for both Part I and Part II is  2 pages, plus 1 page for the data table/graph(s) you use to present  your findings in Part I. The page limit does not include an  optional title page, the reference list, and the appendix with the raw  class data. The report should be double-spaced with one-inch margins all  around and use a 12-pt font.

Here is the order in which to present the various project components:

  1. Part I = describe the class data we collected, include the  methodology, relevant web tool (if applicable), the mean and sample size  for each result, table/graph(s) that depict the main findings and/or  trends; interpret the table/graph(s) for the reader
  2. Part II = summarize research on possible solutions; be sure to  incorporate reliable in-text citations and focus on relevant, attainable  solutions
  3. Reference List
  4. Appendix of Raw Data = screenshot or copy in the Excel table showing all the class data (no analysis or mean)