Time and Operations cost

The purpose of this assignment is to build a pro forma Excel sheet to defend financial projections for your business idea. This pro forma should be prepared as if it were to be presented to key stakeholders. Build a pro forma Excel sheet containing the collection of time and expenses along with your potential operating costs. In a 750-1,000 word paper, describe how you developed the pro forma projected expenses and operating costs. Submit the pro forma Excel sheet and paper.

APA style is not required, but solid academic writingis expected.

Rubric, business model is attached

Readings to help:

  • Read “Project’s Financial Feasibility,” by Melnic and Iliescu, from Economy Transdisciplinarity Cognition (2017). URL:
  • Read “Infusing the Capital Review Process With Rigor and Discipline,” by Ashdown and Jasuta, from Healthcare Financial Management(2015). URL:
  • View “Pro-Forma Financials (Ben Blau),” by Utah State CES (2010), located on the YouTube website. URL: