Times New Roman, 12 point. Write a 2 page essay using Microsoft Word in which you utilize the sociological imagination to better understand the personal experiences of those around you and how they

Times New Roman, 12 point.

Write a 2 page essay using Microsoft Word in which you utilize the sociological imagination to better understand the personal experiences of those around you and how they are connected to larger societal ideas and values. Address the following:

  • Describe a current issue or social problem.
    • You may use an issue or problem in the field you are currently working in or from your field of study. For example, if your field is health care, then you could look at the low levels of health insurance by some populations in the United States.
  • Explain how the issue or social problem is oftentimes considered to be an individual personal problem.
  • Explain how sociological imagination could be used to better understand and explain the issue or social problem.
    • How is this issue or social problem connected to larger societal issues?
    • Be sure to discuss the connection to the larger societal causes.
  • Explain the impact this issue or social problem has on the field and those that work in that field.
    • Discuss how using your sociological imagination could help you better collaborate with others in your field and work to challenge stereotypes about different groups.