Tobacco companies

Tobacco companies have consistently tried to recruit teens to smoke and have often referred to them as replacement smokers (replacements for the older generation that will die from smoking related illnesses). Big Tobacco companies spend $23 million dollars a day on advertising (CDC, 2014). That is close to a million dollars an hour on advertising everyday! The Truth Campaign was created in 1998 and is funded by the Master Settlement Agreement between the United States and big tobacco companies. The Truth Campaigns goal is prevent and lower smoking among the teen population. The have recently changed their ad campaign to Finish It. On their website there are two ads, one is called the unpaid tobacco spokesperson and the other the finishers.

Watch both of these ads and in 150 words explain which ad you think is more effective in reducing smoking rates among teens and why. How do you think these ads could be improved (if you think they could be). Overall, why do you think teens still smoke and what can be done to finish it.


You are invited to use sources to support your statements. However, make sure that you not use direct quotes and that the majority of your post is in your own words. Late posts lose five points a day.