
Imagine youve been asked to measure how people that come into a clinic waiting room wear their masks. Using the data below, make a check list. Start using the check sheet template to track up to 10 defects on each day of the week. This tool also creates a histogram, bar chart, and Pareto chart using the check-sheet data. Post a photo of your check list and histogram and state what you learned about this clinic’s mask wearing process.
Day one 3 people had their nose out of the mask, 5 people touched their masks with their hands, 1 person took their mask off to speak to someone. 20 people wore their masks properly. On the second day, 15 people wore masks properly, one person arrived without a mask, 2 people touched their masks with their hands, one person had a mask on their chin. One person had a mask that was too large and fit poorly. On the third day, 10 people wore masks properly, 4  people arrived without masks and breathing problems, 3 people touched their mask, one person put the mask inside their mouth, 5 people had masks slide under their nose. On day four, 25 people wore their mask properly, 3 people didnt have masks when they arrived, 5 people touched their mask with their hands. On day five 15 people wore masks properly, two people took their masks off to speak, 4 people touched their mask with their hands, and 2 people had masks that didnt fit properly.
Download the spreadsheet template from here: