Top ten recommendations for securing virtual servers

Project Topic: Top ten recommendations for securing virtual servers

Take any industry and relate your recommendations to that particular industry. 

Your Research Project must consist of:

1. Five source annotated bibliography

2. Slide presentation with 12 or more slides

3. Summary or Abstract containing at least 750 words.

The topic must be appropriate for graduate level. Find a topic that we covered in the course and dig deeper or find something that will help you in your work or in a subject area of interest related to the course topic. Use the   not Google.

you may use the following references.


Carr, D. F. (2006). Primer virtual servers; what is a virtual server? Baseline, 1(54), 1. Retrieved from 

Dubie, D. (2007). Hypervisor security a growing concern. Network World, 24(46), 1-1,18. Retrieved from 

Antonopoulos, A. (2007). Virtual servers: More or less secure? Network World, 24(28), 16. Retrieved from 

Mitchell, R. L. (2010). THE scary SIDE OF VIRTUALIZATION. Computerworld, 44(21), 19-20,24,26. Retrieved from 

CCL Are your virtual servers vulnerable and exposed?; are they intrusion protected and firewall secure?; are they open to external attack through unsecured VPN access? (2009). M2 Presswire Retrieved from

It should be your own work and should pass a plagiarism check.