Research Paper: Topic Assignment Instructions



In marriage counseling, many situations may present themselves at various times in your practice. Below are topics that capture several potential issues that you may be faced with when you begin counseling married couples.



  • Narrow the topic to one specific issue from the list of 5 broad categories of topics, below.
    • Category 1 Communication and conflict resolution strategies in marriage
      • A narrow topic within this issue might be “Compare and contrast 2 or more conflict resolution strategies that can be taught in marriage counseling.”
      • Another example of a narrow topic within the broader category of conflict resolution could be “Strategies for building healthy communication for a couple with different Kolb profiles.”
    • Category 2 Keeping marital love vibrant and healthy for a lifetime (narrow to a single focus)
    • Category 3 Gender roles in 21st century marriages (narrow to a single focus)
    • Category 4 Managing crisis in a marriage—the focus must be on one of the following issues and its impact on a marriage relationship: Focus on one of the below issues and determine a specific marriage counseling approach you want to learn more about as the topic. You can also compare and contrast two different marriage counseling approaches that address the issue you chose.
      • Addiction (substance abuse, pornography, gambling, etc.)
      • Infidelity/affairs
      • Domestic violence
      • Separation and/or divorce
      • Remarriage
      • Combat trauma and/or post-traumatic stress
      • Sexual problems
    • Category 5 Other—with the permission of the instructor
  • Submit your topic with a clear and concise 200-word rationale including support from sources
  • At least 5 cited scholarly sources published in the past 5 years. The rationale should be supported by these sources and should detail why the topic is relevant to marital counseling.
  • Be sure to utilize correct grammar and structure and current APA format.




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