Topic Brainstorming/Pre-writing

your job will be to write about an event that happened to you that had significance in some way. It could be a time when you were hurting, scared, surprised, embarrassed, etc. It should be something that you believe was meaningful in some way where you learned an important lesson about life or who you are as a person. You will try to tell the story in a unique and compelling way that helps readers identify with you, understand the event, and interpret the overall theme/takeaway form themselves.

#1. Brainstorm a list of possible topics that you could write about that you believe are compelling and meaningful in some way. Around 5-10 topics would work. 

#2. Select one of the events above that you think you’ll probably write your memoir about. Discuss why you’ve chosen this event, why it was meaningful for you, and what strategies you will use to engage readers, build character, and develop theme