Topic: “The effectiveness of government policies in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change”. 1. Introduction Page write an introduction (one and a half page into 2/3

Topic:  “The effectiveness of government policies in reducing carbon emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change”.

1. Introduction Page write an introduction (one and a half page into 2/3 paragraphs) of your paper as per the given format:

• Hook  

• Background info  

• Importance of the topic  

• Purpose of the study  

• Mode of research  

• Qualitative (Critical Analysis of pre-existing data and studies)  

• Related Researches

• Thesis statement  

2. Research Questions Write research questions/research problems (4/5) by using 5Ws and 1H questions (what, who, whose, when, which, how). Also, you can get help by using this formula, “In what ways does X influence Y?”. Do not make such questions whose answer is simply YES or NO questions.

*See the sample research paper attached for reference*