Toy Store Paper

What do toys teach us about masculinity and femininity?

Your assignment for this week is to take a trip to a local toy store (or visit one on-line) and analyze the messages which are communicated through the store’s layout, branding, toy selection, packaging, etc. I find that “mega” toy stores such as Toys ‘R’ Us, Target, and Wallmart work better for this assignment than do small specialty stores, but you are welcome to visit any toy store you like. You can visit the store only if you need or have to go and buy groceries in these stores anyway, otherwise use only the toystore website due to Covid 19 situation. To help you think about what you are seeing I recommend using the “Toystore Research Worksheet” I have attached above.

Once you have completed your investigation, you will write a short paper response. Your paper should be (2-3 pages) maximum. Please address the questions asked on the worksheet (but don’t just turn in a bulleted form of the worksheet-remember, you are writing a research paper!). Additionally, be sure to use any critical terms covered in your assigned readings, and thie class’ lectures. 

For full credit you must incorporate at least two sources from class (or relevant sources from outside of class). The two sources must be correctly cited (APA or MLA) in the body of your paper. You must also include a properly formatted works cited. 

-here are a few sources from class

             – Cynthia Burack –  Gender Socialization


             – Class PowerPoint –  Gender Socialization