Training & Development in Organizations

Topic #1 – Example of Workplace Training

Provide an example of when you were recently trained.  What was the purpose of the training? How did you benefit? How did the organization benefit?

Topic #2 – Strategic Role of Training and Development

 Several training areas offer specific value to organizations: new hire orientation, diversity and inclusion, anti-harassment/anti-discrimination, skills training, and safety training. Select one of these areas and explain its role within an organization’s training and development strategy.  Support your position with at least one scholarly source from the class resources (provide citation).

  • Chapter 8: Training and Development (see Content below)
  • Dunlap, M. (2015). 5 Keys to an Effective Training and Development Program. Journal of Financial Planning, 28(1), 20-21. (Available by searching via Google or UMUC library database)
  • Rice University (nd).  Retrieved from
  • Lumen Learning (nd).  Retrieved from 
  • Frost (2018)