Training Plan Project – Program Design


Since last week you held a follow-up meeting with your client, Ryan, and a few of the other stakeholders. During your meeting, you discussed their business strategy as well as the results of the online needs assessment you conducted. Ryan and the other stakeholders agree with your needs assessment results and understand how they tie the organization’s business strategy to strategic training and development. During the meeting, the Chief Information Officer (CIO), Carol,  mentioned how excited she was about the learning objectives you developed. The budget was initially a concern for some of the stakeholders however their concerns were put to rest with your and Ryans responses to their questions and concerns. Now that you have your clients approval to move forward you begin developing the online training content. 

Trainers must determine the best method of presenting the training to the learners. Trainers have typically used traditional training methods, which include lecture presentations, on-the-job training, and group activities. However, as employers look to maximize their training dollars, many have moved or are moving away from traditional training and incorporating online learning into their training environment. This can be done by using computer-based training modules, virtual classrooms, message boards, etc. Training may be entirely computer-based with 24/7 availability, or it may be a blended environment that incorporates the traditional classroom experience with part of the training presented online (Gusdorf, M.L., 2009). 

When deciding what approach to use, the trainer must consider the nature of the training content, the needs of the learners, and the technology available. As with any training program, for online learning to be successful, it must be supported by management, and management must be willing to provide the technical resources necessary for successful implementation.

Using the learning objectives you created last week as a guide, your next step is to determine what content to include in the curriculum, how detailed the content should be and how it is to be presented. From these decisions, a lesson plan is created and training materials are developed (Gusdorf, M.L., 2009). 

Continue reading for your assignment instructions.


  1. (25 points) Create a design document for your online training program using the Sample Design Document in our Noe textbook (page 226, Table 5.6) as a guide.
  2. Submit your Design Document as a Word or Google document attachment to your Trello board by creating a new Card under the Program Design List titled: Design Document. 
  3. Make sure to include all resources utilized for your research, cite your sources.
  4. (25 points) Write a detailed lesson plan for your online training program using the Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in our Noe textbook (page 227, Table 5.7) as a guide. 
    1. Submit this information as an Excel spreadsheet attachment to your Trello board by creating a new Card under the Program Design List titled: Detailed Lesson Plan. 
    2. Make sure to include all resources utilized for your research, cite your sources.