Transporting Special Cargo

Choose one type of special cargo, and conduct research on air transportation of your selection. Special cargo includes:

Valuable Cargo (VAL)

Perishable supply chain products

Pharmaceutical products

Animals by air

Humanitarian Aid

Oversized cargo

Dangerous goods

Write and submit a two to three page paper on your research. Address the outlined components in your report. Please number and state each question/statement, and give each answer its own separate paragraph(s). Be specific and provide detail.

1. Introduction

o Describe the cargo that you chose.

2. Requirements and regulations

o Describe the material handling requirements, the aircraft requirements, and specific regulations or guidance that is available.

3. Competitor analysis

a. Conduct competitor analysis of companies located in your area that transport your special cargo selection. What are some of the terms and conditions for their transportation?

4. Conclusion and recommendations

Upon submission, your paper will automatically be evaluated through Turnitin for originality. Ensure your work is entirely your own and cite your sources.