
Trauma Case Study: Child Grading Rubric

Criteria Levels of Achievement
Content Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not present
Introduction 5 points

A quality synopsis of client is given.  Presenting problem discussed. Client history summarized. Issues of concern highlighted.

4 points

Good synopsis of client is given.  Presenting problem discussed. Client history summarized. Issues of concern highlighted.

3 points

An adequate synopsis of client is given.  Presenting problem somewhat discussed. Client history not done. Issues of concern barely highlighted.

1 to 2 points

An adequate synopsis of client is given.  Presenting problem not discussed. Client history not done. Issues of concern not highlighted.

0 points

Not Present

Brief Trauma Question., Life Stressors Checklist, CA PTSD-CA Scale 46 to 50 points

All components scored correctly based on the narrative. Excellent summary of assessments provided. Total scores shown where required. Copy of each assessment uploaded when required.

42 to 45 points

All components scored correctly based on the narrative. Good summary of assessments provided. Total scores shown where required.  Copy of each assessment uploaded when required.

38 to 41 points

All components scored mostly correct based on the narrative. Adequate summary of assessments provided. Total scores shown where required. Most copies of assessments uploaded when required.

1 to 37 points

Components not scored correctly based on the narrative. Adequate summary of assessments provided. Total scores not shown where required. Copies of assessments not uploaded when required.

0 points

Not Present

Diagnostic Impressions 13 to 14 points

Primary diagnosis, issues, risks shown. Secondary diagnosis, issues, risks shown.

11 to 12 points

Primary diagnosis, issues, risks shown. Secondary diagnosis, issues, risks mostly shown.

9 to 10 points

Primary diagnosis, issues, risks shown. Secondary diagnosis, issues, risks not shown.

1 to 8 points

Incorrect primary diagnosis, issues, risks shown. Incorrect secondary diagnosis, issues, risks shown.

0 points

Not Present

Recommendations 14 to 15 points

Minimum of three recommendation shown,

Competent reasons shown,

Resources cited in current APA for each.

12 to 13 points

Minimum of three recommendation shown,

General reasons shown,

Resources cited in current APA for each.

11 points

Two recommendation shown, General reasons shown, Resources cited in current APA for most.

1 to 10 points

One to two recommendation shown, General reasons barely or not shown, Resources cited in current APA for some or none.

0 points

Not Present

Structure Advanced Proficient Developing Below Expectations Not present
Organization 10 to 11 points

All required elements are included and presented with strong headings and organizational clarity. There are clear transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. The paper meets the page length requirement.

9 points

All required elements are included and organized.

There are transitions between paragraphs and sections. The treatment of the topic is logically oriented. The paper meets the page length requirement or comes very close.

8 points

Most required elements are included and are mostly organized. Most paragraphs and sections have transitions. The logical treatment of the topic needs improvement. The paper may not meet the page length requirement.

1 to 7 points

Few or no required elements are included. Few or no transitions exist between paragraphs and sections. There may not be a logical treatment of the topic. The paper does not meet the page length requirement.

0 points

Not Present

Style 14 to 15 points

The paper properly uses current APA style.  Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted correctly. The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are very few spelling and grammar errors.

12 to 13 points

The paper consistently uses current APA style with few or no exceptions. Proper headings, in-text citations, and references are formatted with few or no errors. The paper reflects a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are few spelling and grammar errors.

11 points

The paper inconsistently uses current APA style. Headings, in-text citations, and references are inconsistently formatted. The paper does not consistently reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are spelling and grammar errors.

1 to 10 points

The paper erroneously uses or does not use current APA style. Headings, in-text citations, and references are erroneously formatted or not present. The paper does not reflect a graduate level voice and vocabulary. There are spelling and grammar errors.

0 points

Not Present

Sources 10 points

The Reference page meets or exceeds the required number of sources. All sources are referenced throughout the paper.

8 to 9 points

The Reference page meets the required number of sources. Most sources are referenced throughout the paper.

7 points

The Reference page does not meet the required number of sources. Not all sources are referenced throughout the paper.

1 to 6 points

The Reference page is not present or contains few sources. Not enough sources are referenced throughout the paper, or none are referenced.

0 points

Not Present