Trident ETH301 all discussions

Module 1 DiscussionPlease discuss why it is important to include stakeholders in organizational decision making. Keep in mind that this concept can be used within the organization (that is individuals and groups within the organization could be impacted by a decision?) and external to the organization as well (how will stockholders customers regulators suppliers the community employees and/or labor unions be impacted? What about media watchdog groups and governmental regulators?). Also how transparent should an organization be if it wants to be viewed as ethically grounded and socially responsible?Module 2 DiscussionThe term “ethical dilemma” is commonplace in the English language. That’s because it is not unusual for folks to have to make decisions that could have ethical ramifications regardless of which decision is made.Think about all the competing expectations in the workplace. Production vs. safety. Affirmative action vs. merit in selection and promotion. Overtime pay vs. budget restrictions. Payback for a favour that might not jibe with the company’s policy. The list goes on.Discuss some of the competing expectations/aspects of work that you or someone you know has faced resulting in a difficult ethical situation. It could be something as simple as your boss asking the team if anybody would like to purchase scout cookies for his/her daughter (“Great I just started this diet. Now I almost HAVE to purchase these cookies so that my boss doesn’t think I’m a jerk!”). What was it about the situation that caused it to be difficult in the first place? How do you think the situation(s) should have been handled and why?Module 3 DiscussionBased on your experiences and your readings what does it take to create an ethics based organizational culture? Feel free to do some additional research on this subject and share a reference or a link with your fellow students.Module 4 DiscussionDiscuss the relationship between ethics and corporate social responsibility. How are the concepts related and how do they differ? Feel free to do some additional research on this subject and share a reference or a link with your fellow students.