Trident LOG302 module 1 case

Module 1 – CaseINVENTORY MANAGEMENTCase AssignmentRead the articles provided in the Background page.Then answer the following questions in a 3-4 page paper:Discuss the decision criteria that should be considered when assessing the pros and cons of entering into a Vendor Managed Inventory arrangement with major suppliers?Does a Vendor Managed Inventory system support a “lean” approach to supply chain management? Explain!Has globalization of supply chains encouraged or discouraged Vendor Managed Inventories?Why is information technology such an important element when entering into a VMI agreement? Explain using examples from Eka Chemicals and Interfast.Submit your assignment for grading by the end of this moduleAssignment ExpectationsThe paper should demonstrate critical thinking skills clarity of thought and breadth of understanding in addressing the role of inventory management in an organization. Expectations focus on the work showing an understanding of how effective inventory management benefits an organization and why it is important to optimize the turnover rate. Specific elements of the assignment assess if the work exhibits critical thought analytical thinking and logic skills in determining how and if a Vendor Managed Inventory is a feasible option for achieving effective inventory management objectives.