Two current (2019-2024) scholarly articles are required. You may also use older, but the current ones must be present. As this is a methodology/design class it would be expected that one or both are m

  1. Two current (2019-2024) scholarly articles are required. You may also use older, but the current ones must be present. As this is a methodology/design class it would be expected that one or both are methodology related.
  2. Posts (initial and participation) are substantive –150-250 words
  3. Each prompt is answered with specificity and based on the vignette information presented.
  4. Each citation in DQs, participation and assignments will include the page number in the article where the information being cited can be located. This is becoming standard by many faculty so we can do a quick look up if something doesn’t sound correct.
  5. Provide an active doi link OR pdf of the articles are required for each post.
  6. Citations and references are APA v7 compliant for formatting
  7. Question for participation: Differences in epistemology for quantitative and qualitative methodology is important to understand when it comes to justifying your choice. These underlying philosophical assumptions influence researchers’ perspectives on what is known, how knowledge is acquired, and how our subjective experiences contribute to how we understand the world around us. Though there are several, three of the key differences pertain to the nature of knowledge and reality, research design and data collection, and the role of the researcher.

Question: How do the contrasting epistemological foundations of quantitative and qualitative methodologies shape the way researchers perceive the nature of knowledge, reality, and the role of subjectivity in understanding the world?

A great article to read in preparing to respond to this post is by Yilmaz. You definitely want to add it to  your collection as it is very useful in responding to the C3 section of the dissertation: rationale for the methodology.  

Dr. Polk

Yilmaz, K. (2013). Comparison of quantitative and qualitative research traditions: Epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences. European Journal of Education, 48(2), 311-325.