Question A:

Create a line graph using the Mauna Loa annual mean data provided in Excel (data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration).

Set the axis to the followings: Y-axis: 300 to 500and X-axis: 1950 to 2040

Convert the file to either jpeg or pdf, write your name, and upload.  Word document will receive an automatic zero.  

On the figure, you created, estimate the carbon dioxide concentration in the year 2040 by linear projection.  What is your estimated value?

Question B :

Create a line graph using the Mauna Loa monthly mean data for 2019 provided in Excel (data source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). 

Set the axis to the followings:  Y-axis: 405 to 416 and X-axis: January to December

Convert the file to either jpeg or pdf, write your name, and upload.  Word document will receive an automatic zero.