two part assisgment


Based on your research question from the Final Exam Prep 3 assignment, choose ONE theory that will help you develop a hypothesis and ONE theory that will not help you develop a hypothesis.

For the theory that will help you develop a hypothesis, explain in a half-page how this theory will help you develop a hypothesis.

For the theory that will NOT help you develop a hypothesis, explain in a half-page why this theory will not help you develop a hypothesis.

In your explanations, make sure you clearly show how the theory does or does not apply to your research question. Also, explain any terms that you use in your explanations.  Remember that you do not need to create a hypothesis for this assignment.

Your assignment should be 1 double-spaced page in length total using Times New Roman 12pt. font. Avoid included large headers that take up a lot of space. Use the space you have wisely.