UMUC CMST301 week 6 discussion

Welcome to the discussion for WEEK 6.Participating in this discussion counts toward your class participation grade. You must respond in complete sentences for each question unless directed to do otherwise demonstrating in your reply that you have read the material in order to receive full credit.Please read this information extremely carefully:Please revisit the conference during the week to (1) follow the discussion (2) respond to a follow-up question(s) posed by a fellow student (3) post additional comments or (4) to address a problem in your initial reply as directed by your instructor.Please respond by answering the following:In your own words what makes a computer “Human Computer Interface” (HCI) effictive. Identify 2 unique features characterics or components that really add to the human experience and ease of use of the computer system.Describe some HCI characteristics that are not good. That is what do you think has failed in the past or in a computer related product that is still on the market? Provide one simple example if you can. For example my most hated product was the “foot mouse.” i saw that item at a trade show. I never really could understand what they were thinking when they invented it. Who is going to take their shoes off in the office to navigate a mouse or borrow someone else’s mouse? Of course this is a great product for a person who can’t use their arms.What are some social media or social networking features that you like? Why do you like them?How are design issues somehow creating security or privacy issues? That is when a website takes your information from you what are they doing with it? Printing it to the sceeen? Selling it? What exactly happens with the data that we give out? Would the design of some applications and websites be the same if they did not ask us for any data?Your response:There are FOUR questions that need to be answered. You MUST answer ALL 4 questions. When you respond please label your responses accordingly.Your response for each question is required to be AT LEAST 70 WORDS long. If your reply for a question is less than 70 words you will lose points (yes I do count). You can use MS Word to count the words in your response to make sure you have met the requirement.Please do not repeat what another student has already said. If your reply is on the same topic you are required to add depth to the topic beyond what was initially stated in order to receive full credit. This requires that you not only complete the readings but have read what your fellow students have posted before you post your response. In other words your reply must add substantial value to the discussion.NOTE: Please do not attach a file to the conference. Enter your reply into the text area provided.The Quality of Your ResponseYour reply must prove to me that you have read the material. The following sample responses are not sufficient:1. I didn’t know how interesting this subject was.2. I had no idea that there were so many types of features.3. I am now very knowledgeable about creating information.4. The help tool is very cool.When I read your reply I will ask myself “Could someone have written this without reading the chapter?” If the answer is yes then your reply needs some work.NOTE:Class Participation is worth 20% of your final grade in this course.Common Mistakes and Sources for Point DeductionsStudents in previous semesters lost points for the following:1. Reply was not made before the deadline resulting in a grade of zero for the week.2. Reply was not complete–for example–a student may fail to respond to all readings–missing one or more.3. Reply was not properly cited. If you include a direct quote or make references to textbooks or other resources you are required to include the name of the source and the page reference(s) (e.g. p. 26 Discovering Computers).4. Reply was not properly formatted–Item labels (A B C and D) were not included.5. Repeating what was already stated in an earlier reply by another student.6. Reply was created in MS Word and attached to the conference. All replies are required to be typed or cut-and-pasted into the message reply text box.Late WorkLate work will not be accepted without approval of the instructor and then only for exceptional circumstances. The timeliness of the request is critical. For all unexcused late work 12:01am ET is considered late and will be graded as zero. This policy will be strictly followed.