Unit 1 Discussion


Reply to all 3 writing prompts.  Your total word count should be 200-250 words.  Number your responses…no need to rewrite the prompt.

1.  Using the list of the disciplines in the humanities in the table of contents in the textbook (there are 6), write the ways in which  the humanities already permeate your life. In other words, where does music fit in? Where do images? Dance? Architecture? Creative language? Such a list might show how you are already participating in the disciplines of the humanities; this course merely makes the study of them more formal. 

2.  One of the points the chapter makes is that the humanities offer a disposition and a method that can help enrich all areas of life, including those of mere enjoyment, such as popcorn or fluff art. Consider more deeply works that appear to be part of unreflective popular culture. Produce a list of works that are part of current popular culture.

3.  Consider the extent to which the hero myth remains present in the public imagination. Make a list of 6 popular public figures and consider whether or not we continue to consider them that special someone