Unit 5 Discussion


Question 1:  From our assigned reading in chapter 16 of Spirituality in Nursing:

     a)  After reading and thinking about this final chapter we are considering regarding spirituality in nursing, what additional insights are you taking away from this chapter for your work with your patients?

     b)  What are you taking away from this chapter for your own spiritual life, as a nurse or health care practitioner?

     c)   What questions about prayer are raised for you  – that you would like some help with?

Question 2:  Regarding People with a European American Heritage:

  From our assigned reading in Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care, about persons with a European American Heritage, what key points got raised for you? How might these apply to the healthcare setting? What questions are you left with?  Are there any insights about the cultural and spiritual heritage of this group that you felt were missing from the text’s consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?

Question 3:  Regarding People with a Mexican Heritage:

  From our assigned reading in Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care, about persons with a Mexican Heritage, coupled with the accompanying videos, what key points got raised for you? How might these apply to the healthcare setting? What questions are you left with?  Are there any insights about the cultural and spiritual heritage of this group that you felt were missing from the texts and videos’ consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?

Question 4:  Regarding either People with a Puerto Rican Heritage OR a Vietnamese Heritage:

  From our assigned reading in Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care on your chosen group, what key points got raised for you? How might these apply to the healthcare setting? What questions are you left with?  Are there any insights about the cultural and spiritual heritage of this group that you felt were missing from the texts consideration and that you would like to add for our class learning and discussion?

Question 5: After viewing the 2-part video on the life and mission of St. Catherine Labour, please answer the following questions:

      A) What inspired you the most about the life of St. Catherine Labour?

      B) What did you see in her that you want to imitate and why?

      C) What questions are you left with, either about St. Catherine and/or the Blessed Virgin Mary, as a consequence of what you have learned from this video?


Assignment Summary (Please do these assignments in the order in which they are listed)

1) Read in Spirituality of Nursing, chapter 16, pages 351-362, on “The Spirituality of Contemplative Caregiving.”

2)  In our text, Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care, read the chapter on “People of European American Heritage,” pages 117 – 127, 2nd edition OR pages 148 – 158, 3rd edition.

3) In our text, Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care, read the chapter on “People of Mexican Heritage,” pages 291 – 302, 2nd edition OR pages 309 – 321, 3rd edition.

4) Watch videos #1 and #2 to help us understand more about people of Mexican heritage.

5) Choose either the chapter on people of Puerto Rican Heritage OR people of Vietnamese Heritage to read about in Guide to Culturally Competent Health Care.  In the 2nd edition, this equates to chapters 25 & 29.  In the 3rd edition, this equates to chapters 24 & 29.   The choice is yours! 

6) Watch videos, part 1 and 2, on the life of St. Catherine Labour, in Video Portlet #2.