The Board of Directors at Post University has asked you to develop and present an integrated marketing communication (IMC) advertising program for your major program at Post University. The presentation will be used to educate the marketing and sales team at Post on how best to promote the Post university brand.
Develop a professional PowerPoint presentation (approximately 10 content slides plus title and reference slides) which includes the following:
- Atitleslide.
- Introduction(1slide).
- Theadvertisingobjectivesincludingtargetmarketandpositioningstrategies(2
slides). - Theadvertisingbudget.Chooseoneofthefollowingbudgetmethodswitha
rationale of why you chose that method: affordable method, percentage of sales
method, competitive parity method or object and task method (2 slides). - Develop the advertising strategy which consists of:
a) crafting a brand promise stating the value or experience the customers can expect from the company.
b) creating the advertising message to reach your target audience.
c) selectingadvertisingmedia,youwillusetoconveyyourbrandpromise
and advertising message (3 slides). - EvaluatehowyouwoulduseGoogletrendstoevaluatetheeffectivenessofyour
advertising strategy (2 slides). - Conclusionandreferences.
- Youmustincludeatleast3referencestosupportyourwork.
- Keepyourslidestotalkingpoints.Putthebulkofthecontentinthenotessection
of PPT.