Unit 6 Discussions (CTC101) (ENG130)(ENG110)


In what ways could creative, critical, and analytical thinking help you to be a better student and employee?

  • Think of a routine task (studying, exam preparation, downtime, grocery shopping, food preparation, etc.) in your life that you may have never questioned. How can this routine be improved? How would this benefit you?
  • How can creative thinking help you in your business career?


Initial response: Henry and Walker provide stories that include symbols that are life-changing for the protagonist(s). In two or more well-developed paragraphs, answer the following prompts:

  • Choose a symbol from either “The Gift of the Magi” or “Everyday Use” and discuss what significance this symbol had to you as the reader (an example of this would be the combs Jim gave to Della and a discussion about a precious gift that you received or gave).  Use text examples in this section.
  • If someone were to write your life story, what symbol would be present and why?  How does this symbol represent you?   You can attach a picture of your symbol (an example of this might be a baby blanket from your childhood, or a baseball from your first game). 




Topic:  Should climate change be considered a real issue or a hoax? 

In this discussion board, you will begin writing your argument essay due at the end of Unit 7 by submitting the introduction to your essay. The introduction is the opening of your essay. You want to hook the reader from the first paragraph of your essay. In order to do that, you will need to pay attention to the first sentence you use in your essay. You want to engage the readers with that sentence. Your next sentences will briefly explain your essay topics. Finally, end the introduction with a thesis statement that reveals your argument as well as your topics.

Here is a sample introduction on cyberbullying in high school to give you an idea of how an introduction should be organized:Cyberbullying through online platforms, such as Twitter, has become a growing problem that needs to be strongly addressed in public high schools around the country. Why, one might ask, is cyberbullying such an important issue? 

Cyberbullying is the act of bullying someone online. Often, that bullying may include sending messages that harass and intimidate another person through a medium that can mask the persons identity. This type of behavior is not acceptable anywhere, but particularly within the school system because it promotes a negative educational culture and also can be harmful to the person being bullied. High schools need to implement specific programs surrounding the topic of cyberbullying that provide education on the subject, intervention for those being bullied or doing the bullying, and severe consequences for acts of cyberbullying.Review these instructions for the upcoming argument essay.