Unit II Assignment Instructions The Unit II Lesson shared the meaning and importance of a business environment, including the external and internal factors that affect that environment. Using the same

Unit II Assignment


The Unit II Lesson shared the meaning and importance of a business environment, including the external and internal factors that affect that environment. Using the same chosen company from your Unit I Scholarly Activity, complete the  Business Environment Table, which addresses each environmental factor discussed in the lesson.

When you open the table, you will see four columns. The following information should be included in each column:

  • The first column of the table lists each environmental factor for you.
  • In the second column, you will indicate whether the corresponding environmental factor is an internal or external factor.
  • In the third column, you will indicate whether the factor is a strength or a weakness to the company.
  • In the fourth column, be sure that you describe how each environmental factor impacts your chosen company’s overall business environment and the business’s overall operations.

In addition to completing the table, discuss at least two of the environmental factors for the selected business that exist outside the table and how these factors impact the business, whether positively or negatively. Please include this below the table within the same document.

Each description should consist of at least 100 words. APA Style will not be required for this assignment. Be sure to upload your completed table into the assignment area in Blackboard for grading.