University of North Carolina Wilmington


University of North Carolina Wilmington

RN-BSN program

NSG 406 Organizational Structure and Models of Care Delivery

Structure and Models of Care Delivery Assignment and Grading Criteria 

(30 points)

The purpose of this assignment is to prepare a visual representation of your facilitys organizational structure and provide an analysis of the structure including relationships, communication, and models of care delivery. 

You have two options for completing this assignment. 

1. The first and more traditional assignment will be a formal APA paper.The paper will consist of one file that contains both the paper and the organizational chart inserted as an appendix in the paper. The file must have a .doc, .docx, or PDF extension. 

2. The second option is for you to present in an audiovisual format. This could be a voice-over power point presentation, adobe spark, or animation for example. When you have chosen an A/V format you must have the type of software you are using approved. Most things are fine as long as they are compatible with Canvas. You cannot however, simply record yourself reading the information. The presentation should be between 10-15 minutes. Your chart should be included and visible along with your references in correct APA format. 

You must include at least 2 scholarly articles from peer reviewed journals in addition to text books or websites. The articles must be recent (no older than 5 years).

Paper and/or presentation should be in APA format

2-3 pages excluding title page, references, and appendices or between 10-15 minutes for the presentation

Include in text citations and a reference page or slide if you are doing a presentation

Please see the sample paper for more information

Using APA headers for the content helps you organize that paper and makes it easier to read. 

Grading Criteria

1. Organizational Chart (8 points total)

Chart that represents organizational structure of your facility 

Included as an appendix in your paper  

2. Description of Organizational Chart and Models of Care Delivery (10 points total)

Relationship among components of the organizational chart

Methods of communication throughout the facility

Barriers to communication

Model of care utilized at the facility

3. Include at least 2 scholarly articles from peer reviewed journals in addition to text books or websites. The articles must be recent (no older than 5 years). (6 points)

4. Organization and Formatting using APA (4 points)

5. Grammar and Spelling (2 points)