Using Theory to Help Design a Health Behavior Change Intervention

1.    This assignment (Assignment 3) is a continuation of the previous order assigned to you as #195493839 Assignment 2 if you can check on your side.
      Assignment 2_Shark
2.    Please review Assignment 2_Shark to get a sense of what the Assignment 2 is; In Assignment 3, the public health problem of my interest is the high blood pressure in obesity population.
      Assignment 3 Overview & Introduction
      Assignment 3 Template
      Assignment 3Theory-Informed Behavior Common Pitfalls
      Assignment 3 Example SIDs
      Assignment 3 Example Oral Health
3.    Read all documents including the PPT file Assignment 3 Overview & Introductions, Assignment 3 Template, two Assignment 3 Examples, and the lecture about the pitfalls of the Assignment 3, as well as the rest lectures in which you think you need some basic knowledge about theories;
      lecture 1_Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Behavior and Behavior ChangePart 1
      lecture 2_Theoretical Approaches to Understanding Behavior and Behavior ChangePart 2
4.    Please fill the template of Assignment 3 according to the instructions and based on Assignment 2_Shark which was done by you in order #194703483. The assignment 3 is a continuation of Assignment 2_Shark which was done by you in order #195493839.
5.    Please remember my public health problem of interest is the high blood pressure in obesity population.