Using Work System Method to analyze a Case Study

Please refer to the Assignment 4 Template for the desired layout.
I have included Assignment 3 as a sample for reference. It is for a separate case study.

Please review the Case Study material on HEB (Case A&B and supplementary), the San Antonio based grocery chain store. The case study was prepared in a conventional style, which including the background information, the problem and the solution as well as outcome.

Now you are asked to use the Work System Method we learned so far to analyze the HEB case as a practice of work system method. Specifically, the goal of this analysis is to explore the opportunity of the Internet technology for HEB grocery shopping.  HEB Case A described how HEB executives explored this opportunity back in 2000 and recommended strategy (HEB online, including Internet shopping, store pickup and home delivery) they planned to implement. Case B described how they gave up the plan one year later due to potential loss and exaggerated Internet opportunity.

Now you are asked to use the Work System Method to conduct an analysis for this opportunity and see if you could reach the same recommended strategy of HEB online as described by Case A. You want to use what you learned in previous chapters, especially Chapter 9 (Customers and Products & Services), to analyze SP and AP questions with a focus on customers, products, and services, perhaps employing some third level tool, such as survey, and then propose your recommendations. The cases provide pretty comprehensive materials to answer a majority of AP questions. You may also search the Web to find more relevant information about this case and HEB.

Obviously, in retrospect, the original recommendation of launching HEB online is not a practical strategy. It was not until almost 20 years later, curbside pickup became feasible.  Why this is the case?  Could your work system analysis help to find out the infeasibility of HEB online in the environment of 2000? You could comment this at the end of your analysis.