Using your study throughout the class, review the “Petrie Electronics” case study on page 470 and provide your solution to the following questions. Be detailed and clear in your analyses. Justify your

Using your study throughout the class, review the “Petrie Electronics” case study on page 470 and provide your solution to the following questions. Be detailed and clear in your analyses. Justify your answers in 3 to 5 APA formatted pages, about 900 to 1,500-words not counting the title and references pages.

Why don’t information systems projects work out as planned? 

When a project is late, do you think that adding more people to do the work helps or not? 

What is the role of a pilot project in information systems analysis? 

Information systems development projects are said to fail if they are late, go over budget, or do not contain all of the functionality they were designed to have. 

Is the customer loyalty program a failure? Justify your answer. 

Valacich, J. S., & George, J. F. (2019). Modern systems analysis and design (9th ed.). Pearson. Print ISBN: 978-0135172759 eText ISBN: 978-0135172841

Use the 7th edition APA style guidelines and follow the instructions  

Do not use a question and answer format

All papers are to consist of original composition, double spaced, 12 type font in Times New Roman

Research includes at least 3 peer reviewed articles from scholarly sources and additional credible research as appropriate

Reference and cite the textbook  

Use the https:// form of the DOI if one is available. If no DOI is available, include a  direct link to the article  

For each listed source, include at least 1 in-text citation in the body of the paper