Vaccination in pediatric population (power point presentation)

 Assignment #2: 

The objective of assignment is to provide a power point presentation about vaccines including the Flu vaccine in the pediatric population. 

Your primary goal as an FNP is to educate parents about the importance of vaccination, and understanding their beliefs and preference by being cultural sensitive in regards this controversial topic. 

This  presentation must include a minimum of 8 slides with a maximum of 10 slides. 

 Introduction, Clinical Guidelines EBP per CDC, Population and Risk Factors, Education, Conclusion.  

Rubric for this assignment:

1-Introduction (20%) 

Clearly identifies the topic and Establishes goals and objectives of presentation

2- Clinical Guidelines EBP per CDC. 

Research Content EBP Clinical Guidelines Analysis

20% of total grade


Presents an insightful and through analysis of the issue (s) identified. Excellent Clinical guidelines

Body and Content

20% of total grade


Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Very creative and Supports the information with strong arguments and evidence. Provided 8-10 slides *Voice attached in all slides

Body and Content

20% of total grade


Makes appropriate and powerful connections between the issue(s) identified and the concept(s) studied. Very creative and Supports the information with strong arguments and evidence. 

3-Population and Risk Factors. (10%)

The population is identified and addressed as well the topic(s) and issue(s)

4-Education (10%) 

Presents detailed, realistic, and appropriate recommendations and education including parents/patients

5-Conclusion (10%) 

Excellent Conclusion clearly supported by the information presented