video assigment

First video; 

For this assignment, please watch the following 1 hour and 40 minute talk by Dr. Eric Green.  This talk is posted on YouTube, and it is titled:  “From the Human Genome Project to Precision Medicine: A Journey to Advance Human Health”. 

For your assignment, please write 2 pages of notes in paragraph form, 12 point, double-spaced, Times Roman font.  Please attach your pdf or Word file to the link provided in this assignment. 

This assignment is worth 20 points.

Here is the link to the 1 hour and 40 minutes YouTube Video, titled: “From the Human Genome Project to Precision Medicine: A Journey to Advance Human Health” – by Dr. Eric Green. 

Second video 

For this assignment, please watch the following 42 minute YouTube, and it is titled:  “Genetics Documentary”.

For your assignment, please write 2 pages of notes in paragraph form, 12 point, double-spaced, Times Roman font.  Please attach your pdf or Word file to the link provided in this assignment.