Violent Crime Index Assignment my home town is Paris Tx, 75460 CONCLUSION: There is a high chance of violent crime in Paris, Burton, Stamford, Chandler, Brookings, and Clarkstown. The potential factor

Violent Crime Index Assignment

my home town is Paris Tx, 75460

CONCLUSION: There is a high chance of violent crime in Paris, Burton, Stamford, Chandler, Brookings, and Clarkstown. The potential factors that might have contributed to this situation might include poverty rates, unemployment, and drug involvement. Nevertheless, police chiefs and local citizens can take several steps to reduce incidents of crime. For example, the police chiefs can create awareness and implement hotline and community policing. Citizens can report suspicious activities to the security agencies. Therefore, the violent crime index is essential as it can guide families and security forces to identify the safe places and the insecure ones.

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