Assignment 4 Marketing Budget and Marketing Plan (PO1, PO4, CO5, ILO.SK4, BIS2, IS1, IS4, IS5, AL1)

Create your complete marketing budget, to include the distribution of marketing funds to directional, creative, and call-to-action advertising, and marketing platforms for each type of advertising. Include a brief narrative explaining your purpose and reasoning of the distribution of funds. Next, develop your complete marketing plan (executive summary, introduction, target segmentation, target customer, your USP), to include the distribution channels, promotional strategy, and marketing strategy (see Lesson 4). Include a justification narrative of your choices. You should be drawing on previous program coursework and refining it for your capstone.

Minimum 3 pages

Minimum 1 spreadsheet (can have multiple tabs)

Minimum 3 promotional materials including graphics

APA formatted for narratives