W7: AssignmentResearching DevOpsChoose one of the following research topics related to DevOps. Find articles that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile software development process. Cr

W7: AssignmentResearching DevOpsChoose one of the following research topics related to DevOps.

  • Find articles that discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Agile software development process. Create a two-column table listing advantages on one side and disadvantages in the other.
  • Research companies that have employed DevOps. What activities did these organizations include in their implementation of DevOps. What benefits did these organizations achieve? What complications did they have to overcome?
  • Locate an article that offers suggestions on how to improve the success of software development projects. List at least five and comment on why you feel they are particularly valuable.

At least one article should come from a GU Library resource (find the library link at the top of the Glife page). Article link should be included in paper. Remember, information should be restated in your own words. Any direct quotes should be properly credited to the source and quotes should not comprise more than 20% of the paper.