weekly class summary 200-300 words
Weekly class summary describe (i) topics/themes covered in the class discussion that week (ii) assigned readings and discussion questions, and (iii) multimedia (such as video and/or photos) presented in the class.
bullet points could be accept too. You should watch the video first and then do a summary in 200-300 words. (as long as you have touch on the detail of the class)
The video link is below
Class 1 part 1:
Class 1 part 2: https://scad.zoom.us/rec/play/iEbZR9mRrR2nLeHhkqiTEwqn48P5e4m8GvVuwDohY9JsIRd2bE-93LzUMD66BtADIid52hSecPMyejYU.B3J3EmKYxCB9OPIT
Class 2 part 1:
Class 2 part 2: https://scad.zoom.us/rec/play/8ervjUArN_i3J63dLkAtm34zS3jSDtaf4SC4FxfsgVSm2EKvisPe6Ny6Xol9hC3ccW363Gad39nny3zk.qaixMYQMeWVlf_KH