Watch the video and then answer the questions listed below.


Watch the video and then answer the questions listed below.

The Persians & Greeks: World History Crash Course #5

1. The Persian Achaemenid dynasty was founded in 539 BCE by ________________________________.  He took his nomadic warriors and conquered most of Mesopotamia.

2. His son, ______________________________, extended Persian control east to the Indus Valley, west to Egypt, and north to _________________.

3. What were some characteristics of the Persian Empire?

4. What were some of the accomplishments of the Greeks?

5. Greeks lived in _______________________, which consisted of a city and its surrounding area.

6. What led to the city-states of Greece uniting into a unified group for the first time?

7. What were some of the elements of the Golden Age of Greece?

8. What brought about the thirty-year Peloponnesian War between the Athenians and the Spartans?

9. The Theory of Realism is the view that the subject matter of politics is political power, not matters of principle.  What does this mean, generally speaking?

10. John Green finishes the video with the question, Did the right side win the Persian Wars?  What would your answer be?  Explain.

Here is the link to the video…….