Week 1 discussion


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DiscussionClick for more optionsNote: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse over the bottom of the video and click on the CC icon, then select from the menu 
 Note: The video has Closed Captioning. To activate it, start the video, mouse over the bottom of the video and click on the CC icon, then select from the menu.We are going to start off by applying several key concepts to a familiar situation.

Assignment Summary:

  1. Review the   and the    before you start.
  2. Watch the videos above
  3. Read the article in the textbook: ” ” on pages 56-57.
  4. Read the article carefully and relate it to at least two important concepts we have covered during Week One.  Please use CAPITAL LETTERS to name and define key concepts.  They are listed at the end of every chapter and at the margin of pages.
  5. How do these concepts relate to your own life?

Post on three different days for a minimum of three posts.  Failure to meet these minimum posting requirements results in point loss.

  • Include a word count on each post.  All of your posts should sum to a minimum of 500 words.
  • Each post submitted should be between 150 and 250 words. Keep them short, specific, and clear.
  • Use paragraphs as appropriate.
  • Very lengthy posts do not provide an incentive to read.
  • Remember to document all use of sources by using citations and references.  These should be in   .
  • You are expected to respond to the instructor’s comments/questions.  It’s part of your grade.
  • Please review   .

Now click on the “Week 1 DISCUSSION” title above to go to the discussion forum. You can start a new thread by clicking on the Create Thread button at the top. You can also respond to an existing post by clicking the Respond button at the bottom of the post.