- Engage and respond to literary texts personally and creatively.
- Understand the general nature, purposes, and techniques of literature with a sense of its relationship to life and culture.
Primary Post:
- Retell or rewrite a one- to two-page scene from the drama in narrative form (like a short story or novel). Your rewrite (which is your primary post) will range from 300-500 words. Keep in mind that a line in the drama may be only one word, so one to two pages of drama may have a low word count, but your version in narrative prose may have a higher word count.
- You may use first or third person, but your point of view must be consistent. To do this, you will have to cast a narrator.
- Select one character from your selected drama or create an objective third-person narrator and have him or her tell the story.
- Allow the point of view to depict the scene from the specific perspective of your selected character or created third-person narrator. For example, you may cast Travis to be your narrator. What would he share that his father would not? What additional information would an audience have because Travis is talking? Drama lacks the “tainting of a narrator; you will add that subjectivity by recasting the scene in narrative form. Your writing should include details that you imagine the character would feel, think, or do that the drama may not have captured in words.
- Deliver the lines of your narrator in a style that reflects his or her characterization (even third-person narrators have character). Be sure to read the resources on ” and ” before you write this post. The primary post should be one to two paragraphs long.