Week 1 Report


Course Project Overview

For this course, you will have a project that includes installments in Weeks 1, 3, and 5. The Week 3 and Week 5 assignments are considered major assignments, which combined are worth almost half of the total course points. It will likely take you more than one week to complete the Week 3 and Week 5 major assignments, so begin working on those tasks sooner rather than later.

Project Summary:

As a course project, you will select a multinational company that previously experienced or is currently experiencing controversial issues related to CSR and ethics. At a minimum, the company should have some information on its CSR available, such as an annual report that discusses CSR. If you have difficulty selecting a company, consider businesses in industries that are viewed in a negative manner for their products or business practices, such as fast-food, tobacco, and automobile manufacturers. You may not use Walmart or Nike. In Weeks 3 and 5, you will assess the companys CSR and ethical issues and apply the information you have learned in the weekly assignments along with research to the issues identified. In Week 5, you will revise the work from Weeks 1 and 3 and combine the parts with the research from Week 5 to create a comprehensive final paper.

The final paper must be 1015 pages long,plus have a cover page, an abstract, reference pages, and appendices (if needed). Your paper should include scholarly literature and address the topics. The paper should be in proper APA format with appropriate citations/references of sources.

the topics that should be addressed in Weeks 1, 3, and 5.

Project Part 1

This week, you will begin the course project by selecting a multinational company that had or currently has controversial issues related to CSR and ethics. If you have difficulty selecting a company, consider businesses in industries that are viewed in a negative manner for their products or business practices, such as fast-food, tobacco, and automobile manufacturers. You may not use Walmart or Nike.

  • Select a company. Analyze the history of the company.
  • Prepare a synopsis of the industry and any potential negative CSR or ethical issues.

Submission Details:

  • Use APA format and style for your paper.
  • Complete your analysis in a 3- to 5-page Microsoft Word document.
  • Name the document SU_MGT7205_W1_A3_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.