Week 11: Assignment 4 – Stanford Prison Experiment Start Assignment

Assignment Overview 

Students should view the documentary Quiet Rage. This film documents the events of the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment, conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo and a group of student participants. Students are expected to write a paper of no less than 2 pages of text, that considers the questions stated below. The paper is worth 25 points, and must adhere to the formatting requirements included in these directions. The assignment must be submitted via Canvas by the due date indicated in the syllabus. The film can be found online for free at the following youtube address:

Questions to be considered in paper 

  1. Why did participants take on the role of prisoner so completely?
  2. Why did participants take on the role of prison guard so completely?
  3. If you were a guard in this experiment, what type of guard would you have become? How sure are you?

Formatting Requirements 

The assignment must adhere to the following formatting requirements:

  • The paper must be a minimum of 2 pages of text (not including cover page or references page).
  • The paper must be submitted via Canvas.
  • The paper must be written in 12 point Times New Roman font.
  • The paper must be double spaced.
  • All page margins must be 1 inch.
  • Any text or other sources that are paraphrased, quoted, or used for general guidance must be cited appropriately, using any conventional citation method you are familiar with (e.g., APA, MLA, ASA, etc). If you are not familiar with a citation method, seek assistance from the instructor or the free University writing lab (http://www.unt.edu/writinglab/).