Week 14 Assignment

Add some sizzle to your WildRydes unicorn site.

I think this is a great opportunity to add something well beyond the tutorial to create a portfolio to show potential employers.

At the end of the semester (please wait until a grade has been assigned), if you decide not to keep them for a portfolio and want to delete your AWS projects, you can. Any charges should be very minimal. 

Please wait until your project has been graded to remove anything from AWS.

Explore something that you are interested in (UI, other AWS services, outside APIs, etc) It will be graded on:

  • Is it not terrible
  • Did you try something new
  • Did you put some effort into it
  • Did you not just copy something from stackoverflow.
  • Is yours not exactly like someone else’s (please don’t copy or both will receive a zero). 

Some ideas:

Adding a current real weather report for the map area, connecting to AWS Polly to read the result, some new interface, other cool UI stuff, something database related that I can’t think of a creative example for, connecting to any other AWS service… better yet, be creative and use none of the above. I sometimes like stock quotes or pork belly prices (mmmm… bacon) while on a unicorn ride. Maybe I can pick the color or incontinence level of my unicorn.  

It should be readily apparent what you have added. No “readme” files are allowed. Part of UI and web programming is making the interface intuitive. The content should be dynamic. In other words, just including “cloudy weather” in html on the page without an actual API lookup is not OK. If you must include simple instructions, please do so right on the page. Please don’t copy the entire code directly from another site. 

Please don’t ask if what you have done is enough. Keep exploring – find a topic that interests you and learn about it by including it in your page. Have some fun with it. Think of something that you could put on a resume to demonstrate your work. 

Please submit your clickable amplifyapp URL. 

Thanks and I hope you learned some useful technologies this semester!
