week 2 assignment 3

 Please look at the assignment and follow the directions it’s being asked 

Wk 2 Team – Productive Talk and Collaboration in the Science Classroom [due Mon]

Assignment Content

  1. Your principal has asked your team to present a professional development session to your colleagues on productive talk and collaboration in the pre-K through Grade 3 science classroom.

    Create an 8- to 10-slide presentation that includes five strategies or tips for supporting effective discussion and collaboration in the science classroom.

    Ensure your strategies or tips include the following elements that foster discussion and collaboration:

    • Questioning techniques
    • Classroom setup and young learner grouping concepts that promote inquiry and discovery
    • Ways to use technology tools to foster a culture where young learners take ownership of their learning goals
    • Opportunity for young learners to develop communication by asking and responding to questions
    • Ways to connect to real-world experiences
    • Justification for use of strategies or tips
    • Implementation ideas, which include managing collaborative structures for young learners
    • Ways to create a positive and safe science classroom learning environment
    • Include detailed speaker notes for each slide and an APA-formatted references slide.