Week 3 Assignment

Based on your understanding of your key variables from your annotated bibliography and your research question/hypothesis, this week you will be designing the experiment that you will propose to conduct.  Your methodology section is due Sunday of Week 3. Submit the work using the Methodology link below.

The following pieces of information must be provided in your Methodology section – please use the following headings in your proposal this week. Also these sections should be written up in paragraph format (not bulleted statements). 

  • Participants  what are the characteristics of your participants?
  • Instruments/Materials  what instrument or tool will you use to collect your data (i.e. survey, observation, interview)?
  • Setting  where will your conduct your study?
  • Procedures  step by step how will you conduct your study?
  • Ethical issues what possible ethical issues need to be considered?  Here you will need to specifically discuss the informed consent.

Methodology Grading CriteriaMaximum  PointsParticipants10Setting10Instruments20Procedures30Ethical Issues10Grammar, spelling, and correct APA format20Total:100