Week 3 – Cyber Security

1. Why do many in the computer community oppose the use of “hacker” to describe cybercriminals?
Can a meaningful distinction be drawn between hacking and cracking? What kind of hacking can be justified on either legal or ethical grounds?

2. Research the Pirate Bay Trial: Guilty Verdict.  https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2009/apr/17/the-pirate-bay-trial-guilty-verdict

What implications does the conviction of the four cofounders of the Pirate Bay Web site in 2009 have for international attempts to prosecute intellectual property crimes globally? Should the four men also have been required to stand trial in all of the countries in which copyrighted material had been downloaded from their Web site? Will the outcome of the Pirate Bay trial likely deter entrepreneurs, worldwide, from setting up future P2P sites that allow the illicit file sharing of copyrighted material?  What is your opinion of the case