Week 4 – Discussion Forum 1

  • Read the .
  • Read in the textbook.


Reflect on what you learned about your own leadership style. Do you consider yourself to be a task-oriented leader, or a relational-oriented leader? Do you do both well? What are the benefits of each style? One of the challenges leaders face when leading is knowing when to integrate in their task and relationship behaviors. Do you consider this a challenge for you in your leadership style?


In your initial discussion forum post,

  • Share your task and relationship scores from the interactive.
  • Identify which leadership style is more dominant for you: task or relationship.
  • Discuss what you learned about your own leadership style. In doing so, consider these questions:
    • Do you feel your scores from the interactive are accurate?
    • Is one style better than the other?
    • What are the benefits of each style?

Your initial post should be a minimum of 250