Week 4 HR

For this assignment, choose either option 1 or 2. You do not need to do both. You will apply one of these scenarios in the instructions below. Both options will be graded using the same scoring guide.

Option 1
You are the new HR manager for Java Corp, a domestic cold coffee and tea company. Java Corp has had trouble retaining valuable employees, and the termination of a number of employees for performance and conduct has resulted in lawsuits. Prepare a memo to organizational management, analyzing best practices in approaches and procedures addressing each of these issues.

Option 2
Choose an organization to use for this assignment that has faced litigation claims by employees who feel they were unfairly terminated or has had a large number of employees quit in a short period of time. Prepare a memo to organizational management, analyzing best practices in approaches and procedures addressing each of these issues.

Your organization must be researchable, as you will need to gather and analyze information to complete the assignment. You may use the same organization you selected for the previous assignment. If you choose the organization where you are currently employed, please keep in mind that the analysis you make must be based on facts that can be documented rather than your personal opinion as an employee.

Research the retention and separation function of the chosen organization. Contact your instructor if you have questions.

Prepare a memo to organizational management. In your memo:

Apply best practices in employee engagement to the selected organization.
Include two best practices by HR professionals that would benefit the organization.
Apply retention strategies to the selected organization.
Include two strategies by HR professionals that would benefit the organization.
Explain the significance of voluntary and involuntary turnover for the selected organization.
Describe how turnover can have a financial impact on an organization.
Describe how turnover can impact existing employees.
Analyze how progressive discipline can be beneficial to the organization as well as the employees.
Include two benefits of this process. For example, explain how the progressive discipline process could reduce turnover or how it is important for documentation purposes.
Analyze practical considerations in terminations.
Describe legal and ethical factors that should be considered when a termination decision is made.
Include recommendations of how an organization can protect themselves from specific types of litigation.