week 4 part(4)

When considering if Rockefellers business practices were justified, it is important to remember in which the times he lived and did business in, which are very different from the modern times we live in. With that being said, I am not going to condone or agree with Rockefellers practices. However, I do believe Rockefeller did what he did in a time where that was the normal thing or what anyone would have done in his situation. He was doing what he thought was best to make the economy better and better lives for himself and his family, living and his descendants. Keep in mind all happens around the time of the Great Depression and we all know how that went. I am willing to bet others would have done what Rockefeller did, even if they did it in a slightly different way, if possible. As for the other captains in the industry, they did what was best for themselves, their families, and their businesses. Did they use child labor, work their employees long hours for pennies, in unsafe conditions? Did some employees get fatally ill, get lifelong illnesses, or even die on the job? Yes, to all of that. Therefore, unions and labor laws came into effect later. To help fight for the lives and livelihood of employees and hold businesses accountable. (Ironically writing this the day after Labor Day) ( explain in own words 100 words)