Week 4 Report


Course Project: The ADDIE Model – Implementation

Throughout this course, we evaluate how the ADDIE modelanalysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluationcan be applied to instructional design. Each week, a relevant document is created for a specific problem of interest. This week’s focus includes a larger view of instructional design project management.

Week 4 Instructions:

This week, you will take a break from completing the design template. Instead, your deliverable will be a project schedule and staffing budget estimate for the analysis, design, development, and implementation stages of your instructional design.


  • Using the , begin by completing the basic information (e.g., course code, course description, etc.) and writing a 1 paragraph summary of the most important things you’ve learned about instructional design to this point in the process (i.e., from weeks 1 3 work). Your course title and description may continue to show development from your previous submissions.
  • Then, create a tentative project schedule (table in the Course Planning and Budget Template), detailing a project timeline (spread over two months), tasks, and responsibility list. The course text provides a sample table. Additionally, provide a brief analysis of the three most important things you learned as you completed the project schedule.
  • Then, create a staffing budget estimate for your project. Complete the table with a column for dates, task descriptions, and personnel roles (project manager, instructional designer, graphic/media designer, web/technical expert, subject matter expert, etc.). Include analyze, design, develop, and implementation stages in your budget, generating a reasonable budget estimate based on current hourly rates and total expected hours. Additionally, provide a brief analysis of the three most important things you learned as you completed the staffing budget estimate.

To support your work, use your course and textbook readings and also use the South University Online Library. As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.

Submission Details:

  • Submit the Course Planning and Budget Template.
  • Use APA format for narrative sections.
  • Name the document SU_INS7200_W4_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.