Week 5 Assignment – Eastern Religions


  1. Introduction
    Choose one of the following categories to focus on for this Eastern religions assignment. For your topic, you must demonstrate knowledge of the terms and concepts of Chapter 1 and incorporate them into your paper.
    Choose one of the following topics and write a 23 page paper incorporating the key focus areas of the topic. Make sure to use categories and terms from Chapter 1 in your paper.
    Topic 1
    Write a paper in which you compare and contrast two major Eastern religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, or Shinto). Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Address the origins, region, main leaders, the particular teachings or philosophies, rituals, scriptures, holy days, and impact of the religions. Use the categories and terms from Chapter 1 in your descriptions of the religions.
    Topic 2
    Write a paper in which you feature a dialogue between Confucius and the Buddha. Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Address these aspects of each figure: birth or origin; ethical system and its source; and reaction to the introduction of their concepts. Compare and contrast their teachings and philosophies. Use the terms and concepts from Chapter 1 to illuminate your dialogue.
    Topic 3
    Write a paper presenting a visual report on two Eastern religious sites nearby (an alternative for those in rural places would be to do an Internet search of two religious locations). Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Look at architecture, interior space, etc. Include visuals to illustrate your points. How do these reflect the definitions and terms of Chapter 1 and what we have learned about these religions?
    Topic 4
    Conduct an extensive interview with a person who practices an Eastern religion and write a paper presenting the results of this interview. Begin your project with a clear and focused thesis statement. Use these questions in your interview:
    • How did you become associated with this religion?
    • What is it about this religion that intrigues you?
    • Is it difficult to practice your faith?
    • What readings or scriptures do you use?
    • What are some rituals you perform?
    • What holy days do you keep?
    • What would you like others to know about your faith?
    • Use the definitions and categories of religion from Chapter 1 to guide the interview.
    • Topic 5 
      Write a paper that explores indigenous religions. After an introduction with a clear and focused thesis statement, set up a three-column chart: one column for the basic elements of religion; one for indigenous religions, and one for the Eastern religion of your choice (there are at least three that have indigenous aspects or roots). Identify five or more of the basic aspects of a religion, then determine if they can be found in indigenous or Eastern religions. Summarize your results in a concluding paragraph and address these questions: Based on the terms and definitions of Chapter 1 are indigenous religions really religions? Using the information from Chapter 2, did you find any indigenous religious elements in Eastern religions?
      Topic 6
      Write a paper that explores religion in the news. Find an extensive news story on one Eastern religion or indigenous religion. Begin your project with a clear, focused thesis statement. Using five terms and concepts from Chapter 1 and pertinent chapters from Fisher, interpret that story for people at a family gathering by explaining how it relates to the basic tenets of that faith tradition.
      Use three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the or review .
      This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
      The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment is:
      Outline the world views of major religions.
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